Trust is firm believed in the ability of someone or something.
It is also a strong believe or a strong faith in someone’s ability. Trust is believing in the promise of God and it is what we do because of the faith we have been given. Trust is not doubt, is not suspicion, is not betrayal, neither divulging important information. It is simply a believe that someone is reliable, honest, good, effective, etc.
The word trust is the Bible means boldness, confidence, security, action based on security.  Faith is the gift of God. Zeph. 2:8 – 9, Luke 16:10.
Many of us does not have the fear of God. Fear of God creates trust in the heart of someone that can be trusted as well as someone who desires to trust.
1.      Analysis in the Bible shows that Joseph found favour in the eyes of Portifer. Portifar trusted him and brought him, yet Joseph did not betray the trust He put in him, even, when Portifar’s wife tried to seduce him.
2.      God trusted Job, He did not disappoint God despite all the temptation Job faced.
i.                    Can God trust you?
ii.                  Can your boos in the office or church trust you?
iii.                Can your father trust you?
iv.                Can your husband trust you?
v.                  Can your wife trust you?
vi.                Can your head pastor trust you?
vii.              Do you even trust yourself?
Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, and sold him out for money. Delilah betrayed Samson and handed him over to his enemies to pluck-out his eyes. Samson died with his enemies. Portifar’s wife betrayed her husband’s trust and wanted to sleep with Joseph.
A brother stood for a friend as a guarantor to get a job. Eventually, the man that got the job stole in the working place and his guarantor (the brother) was jailed for standing for him as guarantor. Again, a man collected his life pension, showed his wife. His wife arranged with armed robbers to kill her husband and collected the money, shared it with the robbers. Is relationship  not supposed to be based on trust? How many anointed men and women of God have you betrayed you that is reading now?
What are the signs to look out for, if you want to trust someone?
1.      Fear of God
2.      Pure, undiluted holiness, inside and outside
3.      Genuine born again, with genuine fire and holy spirit filled
4.      Inquire about the friends and family of the person. Show me our friend, I will tell you whom you are.
5.      Has the person been tested with money before? Try him or her with small amount several times.
6.      What is the level of the person’s prayer life and closeness to God.

1.      Arrows of distrust targeted against you, go back to your sender.
2.      Spirit of Judas Iscariot, attached to your life catch fire, your life is not your candidate.
3.      Grace of God from above fall upon your life in the name of Jesus.

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