Freedom from Oppressors

God’s plan for His people is to live a life of freedom, peace, joy and prosperity. While it was the plan of devil for people to live a life of oppression and to be in captivity. When God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, they were living a prosperous and free life. But when devil came to deceive them contrary to the commandment of God for them, problems came unto them. In Jeremiah 29:11, the scripture says “For I know the thought that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thought of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end’. In the passage God was expressing his love for his people i.e. the plan He thinks toward them, is good and also to give them their heart desire.

This was the major reason that made God to sent His begotten son, in person of our Lord Jesus to come into the world in order to liberate man from satanic oppression. The scripture in John 8:36 say “If the son therefore makes you free, ye shall be free indeed”. We read in the scripture, how Jesus deliverer many people. The woman with issue of blood for twelve good years, who have been afflicted and have patronized some herbalists but without solution, until she met Jesus and touched the helm of His garment and she was made whole. And she was totally set free. I pray that as God set the woman free from the issue of blood, you will be set free from every problem facing you in Jesus name.

To be totally free
  1. ·        You must not partake in evil act
  2. ·        You must confess your sins and forsake them
  3. ·        You must discard every of your prosperity that belong to devil
  4. ·        You must be prayerful and conversant with the word of God
  5. ·        You must live a holy life
  6. ·        You must love your God and your neighbor as yourself.
Stay bless 

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